Helping Your Houseplants Thrive

Houseplant Care

Keeping our houseplants alive and thriving is often harder than we think. These guides will help you troubleshoot your plant care to maintain a happy plant environment.

Plant owner lifestyle

You'll find that living with plants means adapting your lifestyle. These guides will help you avoid the issues that come with owning plants so that both you and your plants can thrive.

Recent Posts

Why Does My Spider Plant Smell? (And how to fix it!)

The most common reason plants smell is root rot. Root rot occurs when bacteria or fungi thrive on roots surrounded by overly damp soil, or when your roots suffocate and die from over-retaining water. Another reason for the bad smell could be blight or leaf tip burn.

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roots and tubers of a spider plant in a base of green grass ready to transplant

Can You Propagate Spider Plant Tubers? A Complete Guide

You can plant spider plant tubers; this is one of the most common ways of propagating the plant. After planting, the tubers grow rosettes that generate the plant’s stems, which then produce the sprouts.You must meet the right conditions and requirements for this process to go well.

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